Monday, June 6, 2011

Street Sign


Triptych Assignment

For my Triptych assignment i chose to use a picture of a wall, ceiling ventilation system, and a picture of a sweater. I chose these three different objects because they each had a unique texture that could be portrayed more vibrantly if i played around with the filter settings.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Pig Art

For my pig art assignment, i used a fairly chubby pigs head in place of Will's head in the picture. I added glasses and a hat to the pig to make him seam cool! I also added a word bubble containing the word 'sup' with a question mark over his head.I used 'sup' because in our society it is considered slang, and therefore in most cases is considered cool. For a title i used, "Its a pig thing", implying that the pig possesses a unique style of his own, only known to him. I'm pleased with this picture because it looks good and attracts the eye :).

Monday, May 9, 2011

CD Cover

           For the CD cover assignment i decided to use DJ Tiesto as my artist. I decided to use Tiesto because his music is crazy and hes creates new electronic music that directly reflects the era we leave in. found the Tiesto logo and placed it inside of a vinyl record i found online. I picked out what i thought was the best font for this piece of work and i think that both fonts compliment eachother because they are different. For the back ground i went online to find a nice setting that i thought would portray "New Life on Ibizia". I chose th background because Ibizia is a warm island thats know for its parties and nice weather, and the picture definatly shows that the weathers nice, and the record shows its a party!! If i were to do something different next time, i would probably use an actual picture of Tiesto!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Early last week we were asked to complete a poster for the Guelph Multi-cultural festival. Through trial and tribulation i came to this idea. I wanted my poster to attract as many people as possible so i filled it with vibrant 'squiggles' of colour. I wanted my poster to show that when different colours are together it looks good (relate that to people). I'm glad i used the big letter G to start of Guelph because it looks good and flows with the picture. I'm happy it doesn't stand out too much.

Friday, April 15, 2011



Poetry Assignment write up

For my poetry assignment i decided to use the football staduim tunnel as my background because its where i like to express myself and make my poetry, although it isn't actuallty poetry. The point of my picture is to emphasis the word 'My'. I chose to put 'My World' on the floor with an arrow to show that my particular world was this way. For someone else their world could be a totally different setting. I decided i was going to change the image to black and white because i didn't want the viewer to be distracted away from the writing. I was going to make every 'my' red so that it would attract the viewers eye. If i were to change one thing i would likely change the font of title.