Thursday, February 17, 2011

Digital Landscape

My digital landscape shows a grey cityscape that features Ed Reed (#20), Micheal Vick (#7), Ray Lewis (#52), and Justin Blalock (#63). I changed the Hue/Saturation of the both the sky and the City. I think that by using this effect it gave my picture a kind of  gloomy effect. Also by keeping the color of the players normal it provided multiple focal points. Overall I'm satisfied with this picture, but next time I'd probably spend more time adding different art components in.

1 comment:

  1. Okay Sharieff, I know it has been a difficult start because you had a two day handicap due to your late arrival, but now you're caught up and need to stay focused.

    The concept of your image is good. I like that you are able to take your personal interest and make it fit the task. That will leave you with a portfolio that is very representative of you. And that's good.

    But...your write up is rushed and lacks detail. For each task you need to comment on the technical process and also explain the purpose of the image. Why giant football players running between buildings? Why and ancient stadium on top o a skyscraper. You should have more to say ut struck you as interesting. For example, are football players modern gladiators? Is that why the ancient stadium? Are they giant because our culture holds them in such high regard...or because it takes so much to reach the professional level...or to show the conflict between business and sport? Have a message.
