Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Portrait Analysis

I chose to use that particular picture of Will because i wanted to show how football isn't all about being big, mean, and intimidating. The picture shows that football is just a game and its meant to be played for fun. In the colour photo of Will, i decided to use those colours because there very different, and i think they complement eachother.

1 comment:

  1. Sharieff, you've done a lot of things well in the creation of the images, but you've just "tossed off" the blog entry and that is a significant part of the task.

    I agree that your pose of Will shows both confidence and enjoyment, but you've gone beyond that. The lighting is outstanding on his forearm where you can see detailed muscle definition. You've also cropped the image tightly which gives an intimate impression.

    As for the coloured version. it is an even tighter view, which focuses on Will's eyes as the focal points. The colours are high energy, vibrant and playful as well.

    I believe that you are thinking about these things and making choices based on careful decisions. Now you just need to take the time to actually explain yourself.
