Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Early last week we were asked to complete a poster for the Guelph Multi-cultural festival. Through trial and tribulation i came to this idea. I wanted my poster to attract as many people as possible so i filled it with vibrant 'squiggles' of colour. I wanted my poster to show that when different colours are together it looks good (relate that to people). I'm glad i used the big letter G to start of Guelph because it looks good and flows with the picture. I'm happy it doesn't stand out too much.

Friday, April 15, 2011



Poetry Assignment write up

For my poetry assignment i decided to use the football staduim tunnel as my background because its where i like to express myself and make my poetry, although it isn't actuallty poetry. The point of my picture is to emphasis the word 'My'. I chose to put 'My World' on the floor with an arrow to show that my particular world was this way. For someone else their world could be a totally different setting. I decided i was going to change the image to black and white because i didn't want the viewer to be distracted away from the writing. I was going to make every 'my' red so that it would attract the viewers eye. If i were to change one thing i would likely change the font of title.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Vote Thing

Last week we were assigned to make posters that encouraged students to take part in the student vote. I wanted to create a poster that was pretty simple and straight forward, but also delivered a strong message. I chose to use the fall coloured leaves in unison because they literally showed change. I decided to use the words, "See Change Vote" because the words and the picture portray the same message! I also decided to use the red V at the beginning of vote because it created a focal point for the photo. In general I am pleased with my work, but i think next time i might put in a colour back ground or make the whole word 'vote' red and not just the V. See ya..............#13